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Welcome to Harris Futures

At the Harris Federation, we know that an outstanding education is key to the futures of the students we serve.

Whatever your starting point, students leave our academies uniquely linked by a Harris Federation education; having studied in the best academies, in the greatest city in the world.

So many of these students used their time at Harris as a springboard to amazing things: apprenticeships, university degrees and professional careers which might not have been possible without the transformational educational experience that Harris offers.

Each of these former Harris students – you! – is part of an amazingly powerful network: a network that we want to bring together, as a force for good across our academies and across London itself. This is why Harris Futures - our newly-launched alumni network – matters: because we have the power to make a difference.

“Harris Futures gives us the opportunity to help the next generation as we ourselves were helped.”



Joining Our Alumni Network

Anyone who has attended a Harris Academy knows that so much of what we are able to make possible in our academies comes from the support and enthusiasm of individuals and organisations who support our work. Some provide financial support; others give their time and advice, engage with our students and staff, and provide opportunities that money cannot buy. Former students have told us how much of a difference having a mentor, or receiving work experience, made to their lives – and we’re keen to provide opportunities for these transformational experiences to happen more often.

Harris Futures is creating opportunities for our former students to reconnect with our schools and be role models for and supporters of the next generation of Harris students.

As a network for former students, Harris Futures also gives you the opportunity to meet others, meet up with school friends, share experiences and build a force for the future in London - and beyond.

This is your network and we hope you will be a part of this – and work with us, to help us shape Harris Futures, for the benefits of students now – and always.

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