Friends of Harris
To recognise those who pledge ongoing support to our community, we are launching the Friends of Harris. Regular gifts - of any size - help us plan for the future in these uncertain times.
The Friends of Harris recognises those who support the Harris Federation with a regular monthly or annual gift - of any size.
Our students have the potential to do great things: in the past four years, over 200 of our students have gone on to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and our students surpass national averages at every marker.
We don't want circumstances to prevent current, or future, students from achieving their potential.
Regular donations help us plan for the future and ensure that we can continue to offer academic and pastoral support to our students in the months and years to come.
With Gift Aid…
A gift of £10 a month, together with 10 others, would buy 150 additional books a year for the school library;
A gift of £50 a month, together with 33 others, would allow us to employ an additional SEN position;
A gift of £150 a month, together with 27 others, could allow us to appoint a Mental Health Expert Practitioner to support students in our academies.