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Harris Scholars Y10 Event with the Life Skills Company

One of the key aims of the Harris Scholars programme is pushing our top students to the best of their abilities. In November, the Life Skills Company ran an inspirational session for our new Year 10 students at Harris Westminster, teaching them how to excel in their upcoming exams. Students were taken through the following study skills: 

•    How to retain information
•    How to read faster 
•    How to summarise effectively
•    How to take notes

With only a few students from each academy, this was the first event where students could see the scale of the programme. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the students, who were inspired to engage in independent study after leaving the building.  

Student quotes from the event:

‘I liked how serious it was about getting us into the top universities in the future.’

‘I learnt a ton of useful strategies to revise and memorise and save time. It was very engaging.’

‘I want to go home and study right now!’

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