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Closing the Gap: Harris Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds Make As Much Progress as Non-Disadvantaged Students Nationally

The validated tables show that the Harris Federation achieved an average Progress 8 score of +0.48 which is the second highest of Multi Academy Trusts with at least 20 secondary schools, and the best outcomes the Federation has ever achieved.

In terms of Attainment 8 (the grades achieved in the best eight subjects by each student),  we were the top non-selective group in the country – only beaten by a selective grammar group outside of London.  In all of the demanding English Baccalaureate measures, we were the top non-selective group in the country.

This is testament to the incredible work of our staff who ensure that every single one of our students can make the maximum amount of progress – whatever their starting point.

Rebecca Hickey, Director of Secondary Academies at the Harris Federation, said:

“Across the Federation, we are committed to guiding, supporting and challenging our students to be their very best.  Our Year 7s begin their secondary school journeys from very different starting points and we see it as our responsibility to ensure each student makes exceptional progress.  We are very proud to serve a wide range of different communities from in and around London.  Whilst many of our students come from disadvantaged backgrounds, they are highly ambitious for their futures and are determined to gain the skills and qualifications they need to progress onto higher education and succeed in the world of work.  The amount of progress our students make is only as a result of the hard work, dedication and expertise of our teachers who take the time to get to know our students and ensure they can achieve everything they are capable of.  It is through their efforts and the unwavering support they provide that our students are able to succeed and I would like to thank them all for their tireless efforts.”

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