2020: record-breaking year for Oxbridge offers
This year, at least 62 students at Harris academies have been offered places at Oxford and Cambridge. A 63rd student, from Harris Academy Battersea, has been guaranteed a place at Boston’s MIT, currently ranked the world’s top university.
Harris Westminster Sixth Form, our collaboration with Westminster School, has 44 Oxbridge offers. These include 13 for science, with 4 for medicine and a further 4 for maths/ computer science, 16 for humanities and 11 for arts subjects. Of this group, 26 students are BAME and 12 students are from such disadvantaged backgrounds that they qualify for the government’s pupil premium.
Congratulations are also due to the 19 pupils from the wider Harris Federation with places at Oxford, Cambridge and MIT. Of these, 9 are from disadvantaged backgrounds and 11 are BAME. These students were supported by the Federation-wide Harris Experience and Harris Experience Advanced programmes.
Harris alumni at Oxford and Cambridge were recently interviewed by the feature writer Andrew Billen for The Times. You can read the interview here.